
Clothe work

So working on the Corporal today, trying to get him in uniform. Got the base layer down now just need clips, battery pack, hair, finished boots, weapons, pockets on the vest, electronic devices, three belts, and goggles. Wow these are gonna be elaborate characters before they are done.
Anyways let me know what you think of the clother work so far. Little nice but have to keep in mind gonna ad some through dynamics and the rig later on. ......yes I know another dude in T pose.....


Guns gonna call it a day

So got the rifle modeled and the two pistols unwrapped, did a little work on the head. Thought I'd log progress for the day.


On a head kick

So getting into some of the nicer texture features in zbrush. missing my Zproject brush pretty bad, but hey its another celeb that no one will recognize lolz. If you do call me and let me know.....Yes I know the lips arent lined up right


New Project under way

Here is a head I'm working on for a personal project. Just put some quick textures on this morning.